
Ongoing recruitment

New postdoctoral position for GPU computing architecture expert

We are currently looking for grad students and postdoc fellows

October 2014

New course In January 2015 will be given on water wave mechanics (syllabus)

April 2014

Infrastructure de calibre mondial pour prévenir l’érosion du littoral: Un labo qui fait des vagues (Planète INRS)

March 2014

Invited talk
Jannette Frandsen gave a talk on Wednesday March 27th at a workshop entitled “Predict: A tsunami detection initative for Bristish Columbia” organised by Ocean Networks Canada at Port Alberni on Vancouver Island.

Welcome message
We welcome our new intern, Geoffrey Favero from the engineering school Polytech Montpellier (France), who will be doing his thesis work with us.


See LHE media coverage

Visit of MTQ specialists last november