EMPHASE project
Effets indirects des activités Maritimo-Portuaire: Hydrodynamique Appliquée au transport Sédimentaire et à l’Environnement. EMPHASE (2020-2023)
Indirect effects of maritimo-port activities : Hydrodynamics applied to sediment transport and the environment.
Project funded by the nature and technologies research fund (FRQ) in collaboration with the national research agency (ANR)
Any passage of boats is accompanied by hydrodynamic modifications, because it induces currents (return current, propeller jet) or waves (bow waves, primary and secondary) likely to harm wildlife or their habitat. In order to guarantee a depth of navigable water, the access channels are dredged and the sediments discharged into the open sea.
The objective of the projet is to provide decision-making bodies with an efficient and easy-to-use tool to reconcile navigation usage with sustainable development issues. It is made up of a section on the analysis of the effects and perceptions of navigation (pleasure and commercial) on bank erosion and a section on innovative 3D modeling of navigation channel maintenance operations.
The methodology is based on field work, laboratory tests and numerical simulations.
The project stems from a Franco-Québec collaboration that brings together researchers from both countries. Professor at the INRS, Damien Pham Van Bang acts as Québec coordinator